Winter Health Tips

Winter Health Tips
Winter Health Tips

Wash your hands regularly to keep infections from spreading. Even though this is health tip for all seasons, it's doubly true during winters when infections and viruses seem to be at their worst.

When coughing or sneezing, use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth, make sure you dispose of the tissue afterwards in the nearest waste receptacle and wash your hands

Your skin probably is the worst affected during winters. Lack of moisture in the air and in your body leaves it dry and flaky. Snow it some love and affection, use a deep nourishing cream to ensure your skin stay healthy.

Make exercise as painless as possible. Think of ways to weave in little more of that physical activity you naturally get in warm weather. Instead of getting coffee with a friend, take a walk together.

Being cold, and especially shivering, depresses the immune system because your body's resources go toward raising your temperature rather than warding off germs. Invest in gloves, warm shoes and a hat, and if it's very chilly, think about wearing thin gloves under a pair of mittens. Also, to avoid overheating and sweating-wich can ultimately chill your body-dress in layers. Fleece is an especially good insulator; use moisture-wicking synthetic fabrics (such as nylon and polyester) if you're exercising.

Work with it. Serve up some complex carbohydrates, omega-3s and chocolate. Stick to the complex variety, like whole grains or beans.

Enjoy the benefits of Yogurt-it's creamy smooth, packed with flavor and just may be the wonder food you've been craving. Research suggests that that humble carton of yogurt may: Help prevent osteoporosis, Reduce your risk of high blood pressure, Aid gastrointestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and constipation.

Know Your Triggers: Certain food feed heartburn's flame. Typical triggers include foods full of sugar and fat - think pumpkin pie slathered with whipped cream. Instead, reach for complex carbs like veggies and whole-wheat bread

The bad weather, the seasonal pace, work: if this time of year has your stress meter spiking, it may be time to close your eyes, breathe... and get a little repetitive. And meditation can do more than soothe away stress.

Drinking six to eight glasses a day of water or herbal tea can keep your digestive system healthy, your weight down and your energy up.

Sleeping is one of the most effective ways to refuel after a stressful day. Make sure to sleep in a dark room to ensure your body properly secretes the hormone melatonin, wich is believed to help repair the immune system.

The sulfur-containing compounds in garlic help increase the potency of two important cells of the immune system, T-lymphocytes and macrophages, wich in turn help battle colds, Eat garlic raw or cooked for an immune-system boost.

Eat zinc-rich foods-zinc helps prevent a weakened immune system. Get adequate amounts by eating oysters, Liver, Lean beef, Pork, Turkey, Lamb, Lentils, pumpkin and sesame seeds, garbanzo beans and Yogurt.

Don't succumb to inactivity this winter - hit the yoga studio, run on the treadmill or suit up and head outdoors. A brisk walk burn calories, gets the blood flowing and increases energy.

Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious food from the five major food groups and aim to include 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetable in your diet each day.

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